DVDs are available

June 22, 2011 by

Let’s keep this short, shall we?

You can now purchase a DVD here.

Or you can click the image below:

Thank you to everyone who has made this movie possible over the past 3.5 years. You are all amazing.

Cast and Crew will get their DVDs eventually….

Once again, here is the link. Tell your friends…


Thank you.

-Patrick and Jonny

Happy 2011

January 7, 2011 by

So it’s been a while here on the Trailerpark blog.

We apologize for that. We have been hard at work getting the final DVD ready for distribution.

It’s hard to believe that it’s been two whole years since we started production on Trailerpark, and over three years since we first started writing the script. In a world where everything seems to happen in a few seconds with the click of a mouse, three years definitely feels like a long time.

But as soon as DVD’s are ready, we’ll let everyone know. In the meantime, thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement. It’s much appreciated.

On a different note, we just found out that one of our favorite pieces of set design, the mural in Bruce’s trailer, is still painted on the inside of the trailer. It was always one of my favorite things in the film, so hearing it still exists makes me smile.

Stefan and Dinah wrestle by the mural

The Sticky Chocolate Kingdom

November 9, 2010 by

Co-Writer Co-Director Jonny Look is making a new short film. I’ve read the script, it’s fantastic, and he needs your help to fund it.

For only $10, he will eat a muffin on camera for you. The more money you donate, the more gifts there are.

You can donate here. If you can, help him out, it’s gonna be great.

SOAPPIFF and more awards!

October 29, 2010 by

We were lucky enough to screen at the Southern Appalachian International Film Festival. And in even better news, we won two awards!

1. Best Adapted Screenplay. This is exciting as the four writers spent almost an entire year working hard to capture the tone and essence of Russel’s book.

2. Best Supporting Actor- Tyler Rollinson! Congratulations Tyler! He was our first and only choice to play Terry from the early writing stages and he completely deserves this award. You rock Tyler, congratulations!

"My name is Tyler and I am cooler than you."

Thank you for the award love SOAPPIFF!! We love playing festivals so if any other festivals are interested please contact us by email at trailerparkmovie@gmail.com

And thank you to everyone who has been following and supporting us these past few weeks. We’re currently hard at work finishing up those DVDs, so keep up with the blog/twitter for info!

2010 Cincinnati Film Festival

October 26, 2010 by

So I had a great time at the Cincinnati Film Festival, met some great people, and had two wonderful screenings of Trailerpark. Then, to top it off, we won Best Regional Feature, which is an honor. I took a little photo montage of my time in Cincy.

A local newspaper covered the fest

I true artistic fashion, I drank coffee while watching

This is where we screened on the UC campus

I answered a few questions after the screening

There was a football game right outside the screening. I think it was a high school homecoming.

So that was my time in Cincinnati! Thanks to everyone at the festival for a great time.

Festival Screenings

September 26, 2010 by

We are excited for some upcoming festival screenings for Trailerpark! First up, the Cincinnati Film Festival!!

We are screening October 8th- 7:10 PM at the UC Main Street Cinema. We’re also screening October 11th- 9:20 PM at the UC Main Street Cinema.

Tickets and more information can all be found at the Cincinnati FF website, http://www.cincinnatifilmfestival.com/.

Next, the Syracuse Film Festival!

We are screening October 17, 7:00 PM at the Hamilton Theater! More information can be found on the website at http://www.syrfilmfest.com/

We’re really excited for these upcoming screenings. Hopefully we’ll see some of you there!

Prism Index

September 11, 2010 by

We have all been busy with different projects since completing the film.  Our co-writer Jeffery Bowers has been busy creating a mixed media magazine called “Prism Index”.

The magazine features music, art, writing and movies, all hand stitched by Jeff himself.

Its very impressive, entertaining and a wonderful way to support art. Check out the site HERE.

Words and Colors

September 5, 2010 by

Trailerpark co-writer, co-director Jonny Look has been hard at work on a webseries for the past 6-months and he has finally premiered the first four episodes. Several other Trailerpark alum helped out on this project, and I have to say, it is quite funny. So give it a watch.

Words and Colors


August 24, 2010 by

We were just accepted into the Southern Appalachian International Film Festival!

We’re super excited about this festival as we are proud to be both a film made in Appalachia that actually takes place in Appalachia.

We don’t know the dates for the fest yet, but we’ll keep everyone informed!

Syracuse Film Festival

August 6, 2010 by

Great news, we just found out we were accepted into the Syracuse International Film Festival this October 13-17! We are super excited to play there, they have had some terrific films in the past.

Better news, we are done the movie! We are just finishing up the complicated process of actually getting it ready for distribution, but for all intents and purposes… it’s finished! Only a year later than we promised.

Bad news, I have been terrible at updating this blog. Sorry everyone.

I will get better. Hopefully. And we will keep everyone updated as we prepare for our DVD launch. We’re going to need as much help as possible spreading the word when this thing is available.

Hope you all are having a great summer!